Deale & Associates Insurance Agency Blog Page 7
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Monday, July 13, 2020 Hail damage is a coverable peril if your automobile has "comprehensive" coverage. Comprehensive is one of two physical damage coverages that you may have on your auto insurance policy. Comprehensive covers physical damage to your vehicle caused by anything "other than" a collision or colliding with something or someone, less your deductible. READ MORE >>
Monday, June 15, 2020 When you buy home insurance, you might expect it to cover all your personal belongings. That could be true. However, you need to make sure your policy includes the right amount and type of property coverage. Here's what to look for. What's The Policy Limit? READ MORE >>
Friday, May 15, 2020 Properly protecting the value of your car is essential. Most people recognize the importance of carrying liability insurance. Yet, comprehensive and collision insurance are beneficial to most people as well. Not having this insurance in place means you might lose the function of your car if an accident occurs. READ MORE >>
Sunday, March 15, 2020 Over the years, it's become apparent that our underlying automobile liability coverages, in many cases, is just not enough to protect the assets you've worked so hard to accumulate in your lifetime. I can't tell you how many times I've heard people tell me, " I've never been in an accident and don't plan on being in one" or, " I can't afford any more coverage". READ MORE >>
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